Mongolian conquerorThe founder of Mongol nation and the creator of the one of the most greatest empires in the world's history, Genghis Khan, was born in 1155, in Mongolia.
Genghis Khan, whose original name was Timujin, was born near the Onon reaver, which was not so far from it's current capital Ulaanbaatar. According to the history, Temujin was born with a blood clot grasped in his fist, which in Mangolian traditional belives ment that he had a destiny to become a great leader.
Since Mongolians were nomads, they were ready to move all the time. So, like many of nomads of Mongolia, Timujin's life was difficult. When he became 9 years olds, his father Yesukhei took him to find him a wife and Timujin took Borte as his future wife. Unfortunately, on the back way home his father, Yesukhei, was killed by Tatars and this was the beginning of the hardest time in Timujin's life. His father's clan Borjigin left Timujin's family alone to suffer. As a result, Timujin, his three brothers, one sister, and his mother were left alone and they tried to survive. Timujin and his brothers began hunting and this was one of the reasons why their family survibed for many years.
Temujin's mother Ho'elun taught him many lessons about the political climate of Mongolia. When he was 16 he married Borte, but soon after marriage she was stolen by Merkits. Timujin with the help of his friend, Jamuka, resqued her later. He had 4 children in law, but from other wifes he had many children, but they were not allowed to become the clan rulers.
"Some of the Mongol princes named Temüjin as their ruler, giving him the title of Chingiz-Khan (Genghis Khan), or "Supreme Ruler of the Ocean." / In 1203 Ginghis Khan began to conquer neighbor enemy clans. In 1203, he gained a complete victory over Toghril, who was later killed by the Naimans. Toghril's people were absorbed by the Mongols. Than, Genghis Khan turned his power to destroy his enemies in wetern Mongolia. Consequently, he destroyed Naimans and the rest of Merkits in 1204. His power and his lands were increasing. In 1206 a group of Mongol princes proclaimed Genghis Khan supreme ruler of the Mongol peoples.
"Genghis Khan did more than just invade and conquer. He established a code of laws for the empire and a standard written language for his people, and he set up a kind of postal system to help different parts of the empire communicate with each other. His greatest skill, though, was as a military leader. In 1211 the Mongols began a full assault on China by invading the entire region north of the Great Wall. In the summer of 1215 Beijing, China, was captured. Leaving one of his generals in charge of further operations in North China, Genghis Khan returned to Mongolia to devote his attention to events in central Asia." /
Later, he began his company to the west. By the April 1220 he had conquered such cities as Otrar, Bukhara, and Samarkand. Genghis Khan sent his two best generals in pursuit of Sultan Muhammad, who fled across Persia and was killed on an island in the Caspian Sea. In 1221 he destroyed a city of Balkh, in the Persian province of Khurasan. In 1226 he resumed the war with the Tanguts, the Tebetan people. He died, during the war, in the Liupan Mountains in Kansu on August 25, 1227
I think, that Ginghis Khan was one of the greatest person in the world's history. He ruled his own empire from the moment of creating it till he died and I am admiring with his priciples of ruling the empire, he was very smart person who created Mongolian own writing. He was very good manager, who all the time knew what to say and what to do.